Freedom Chiropractic and Wellness values your privacy. We are committed to protecting your personal information when you visit our website, or other online platforms.
When you provide us with personal information, we do so only when necessary to deliver the services you request. With your explicit consent, we collect this information transparently and lawfully. We also clearly communicate the reasons for gathering your data and how it will be utilized.
We retain collected information only for the duration required to fulfill your requests. Any data we store is safeguarded using industry-standard measures to prevent loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or misuse.
Except where law mandates, we do not share personally identifying information with third parties. Specifically, opt-in data for text messaging will not be disclosed to external agencies.
Please note that while our website may contain links to external sites, we have no control over their content or privacy practices. Consequently, we cannot assume responsibility for their policies.
You have the right to decline our request for personal information, though this may affect our ability to provide certain services.
You implicitly consent to our privacy practices by continuing to use our website. If you have any inquiries about how we manage user data and personal information, please don't hesitate to contact us
This policy is effective as of 10th may, 2024.